Mindfulness Workshops

There are numerous Mindfulness Workshops available for you to choose from which results in a plethora of amazing benefits both for the organization and the employee attending the sessions.


1. Introduction to mindfulness

Mindfulness Taster:

An hour’s overview of the Mindfulness approach to meditation, its origins, and the benefits of instilling a Mindfulness practice.  This also includes some meditation practice, information on Apps, and how to start a mindfulness practice, and how to incorporate it into your daily life.


Introduction Session:

A 3-hour long introduction is more in-depth than an hour-long session.

It is for people curious about mindfulness or considering taking up one of our other courses.

This workshop introduces key principles for living mindfully, and core practices to help cultivate mindfulness in daily life.

Short mindfulness workshops

Each of these workshops is 3 hours in length, however, these can be adjusted to the client’s needs or we can create bespoke workshops.

Stress and Mindfulness

Mindfulness practice helps with stress reduction as well as with managing chronic pain, depression, addiction, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD), and some other mental health conditions. However, the application of mindfulness is the most successful preventative tool – simple tools and practical exercises are capable of providing an instant change in mood and approach to a task or person in front of us. The more we practice, the more “stress-proof” we can be. Our workshop offers a range of such tools and explains how to develop your own “mindfulness gym”.

Mindful Anger & Conflict Resolution

Is it okay to be angry? And if so, is it okay to show it? And if so how to do it without causing harm?
The mindfulness approach to conflict resolution recognises that anger is an important tool to inform us that either our physical or emotional self is under attack. What we need to develop through mindfulness practice is the ability to understand how to use this information for self-protection without letting anger take over and retaliate. In our workshop, you will understand the roots of your anger and how to take care of it, so it remains your trusted ally, not a source of destruction. You will understand that it is possible to communicate hurt without causing harm.

Teams, Relationships, and Mindfulness

Since professional life takes up the majority of our ‘awake time’, we may be spending more time with work colleagues than with friends or family members. This time spent with work colleagues, and the personalities that make up your work ‘team’, ‘office’ or professional set up, can feel even more difficult to handle and negotiate as you we are probably not in control of who those people are, and even if we don’t get on with them, are still dependent on their cooperation.
The mindfulness approach to relationship building recognises the tension between the need to “be yourself” and the need to see the needs of others as a priority. Our workshop will show how to understand and negotiate this tension without feeling that “someone has to lose”

Mindfulness Formula for Work/Life Balance

In the reality of modern life, work tends to absorb the majority of our waking hours and minutes. At the same time, we don’t want to put less attention, love, or importance into the other areas of your life – family, friends, personal interests…
We can’t change the number of hours in the day, and rarely can we change time at work… This mindfulness approach shows the way out of this “stalemate” by examining values, priorities, and attachments.

Benefits of mindfulness​ to the employee

  • ​Enhanced focus and attention
  • Increased self-awareness and increased mindfulness of others
  • Increased ability to handle stressful situations
  • An ability to cope with thoughts, moods, and emotions more effectively
  • Greater cognitive effectiveness and capacity for decision making
  • An enhanced sense of purpose
  • Increased creativity
  • A greater capacity for relaxation
  • More energy and enthusiasm
  • Less absenteeism
  • Better employee retention
  • More effective teams
  • Increased skills for health protection
  • A safe and healthy work environment
  • Improved moraleIncreased job satisfaction
  • Improved overall health


Company Benefits:

  • Improved performance & productivity
  • More focused employees leading to a reduction in accidents
  • Early intervention/prevention of mental burnout
  • Improve productivity and engagement
  • Reduce costs & risks;
    .    cost savings effect by reducing absenteeism and presenteeism
  • Improved company engagement and fewer conflicts
  • Strengthen personal resources for employees
  • Employees flourish and take pride in their roles within the organizational
    .    system
  • Employees function to the best of their abilities, both as individuals and in  .     collaboration with their colleagues
  • Employees have a positive overall experience of work
  • Improved customer service and satisfaction
  • Better employee retention and retained talent;
    .    Employees who feel that the employer they work for care about their
    .    overall health and wellbeing are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and
    .    less likely to leave.

Book a call with us to discuss these in more depth.


Mindful Walking

Success Stories of my Clients

Therapist in London

Contact Details

+07717 748 203


Online, London Bridge & Surrey