Menopause Treatment

I’ve developed a specific Menopause Treatment Protocol to help you rebalance your hormones and eliminate your Menopausal symptoms.


I find that these 13 symptoms are the most predominant for women going through menopause:

  • Bloating
  • Night sweats
  • Cramping
  • Hot flashes
  • Energy Crashes
  • Sleep problems
  • Mood swings, anxiety & irritability
  • Weight gain (particularly around the belly)…
  • Constant hunger and intense cravings…
  • Body aches and joint pain…
  • Low energy and low motivation
  • Brain fog and unfocused

How many of these do you suffer from?


When you reach menopause, you experience Ovarian Fatigue, which may make you feel as though you’re actually living in a body you don’t recognise.

Let me clarify how it all works before I go into more detail on what you can do and how I can assist you:

The ovaries contain two main female hormones: oestrogen and progesterone. Both of these hormones will be released at lower levels once you reach menopause, and if they continue to decrease, they may cause a number of unpleasant and unwanted symptoms.

It has the ability to influence your mood, fat storage, sleep, stress levels, energy, body temperature, and much more!

Fortunately, there is help available, and you can make adjustments such as reducing or completely eliminate hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, and mood swings. Increasing your energy levels and motivation, as well as improving your sleep and helping you maintain a clear and focused mind.


Now, when I work with my clients, I mainly ONLY work with the Subconscious mind, but there are 5 steps we take during the process:

1. Hormone Tracking
2. Mindset
3. Subconscious Hormone Rebalance and renewal
4. Movement / Exercise
5. Meals

Now let me first explain what I do and how it works:


Tracker – basically to track what your hormones/symptoms are doing on a daily basis – the beauty of it is that you can literally see the changes taking place!


Mindset –When it comes to your body, your shape, weight gain, bad sleeping habits, anxieties, and so on, the most important thing you need to improve is your mindset!
Women are much more vulnerable to stress than men! and menopause brings with it a rise in anxiety (and even depression)

When you’re stressed, the body produces cortisol, a stress hormone.
It may cause sleep disturbances, irritability, thyroid dysfunction, and slowed metabolism.

It can also cause weight gain by increasing appetite and cravings (particularly around the belly).

Thus a big focus during my hormone sessions is actually focusing on rest, relaxation, and recovery. And most of my sessions include Deep Relaxation You’ll also receive recordings to help you relax when you need some ME TIME. The main goal is to decrease the effects of stress on your brain and body.

To do this, you also need more good quality sleep, but with hormones all over the place, it often hinders your sleep, which is why you may also need 10min naps.


Subconscious Hormone Rebalance and Renewal

There are tons more information I can give you, but best to book a call with me so I can explain in more depth and answer all the questions you may have.


Exercise – at every stage of your life, exercise is super important and just because you are struggling with horrible symptoms of menopause, gives you no excuse to stop exercising. I am no personal trainer, but I can certainly give you some pointers.


Meals – as with exercise, healthy eating is super important, as well as taking the correct vitamins and minerals. Ultimately, it’s a combination of all things good that will shift your unwanted symptoms.


Book a Discovery Call with me today to find out more about my programme and how I can help you change your life!

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Contact Details

+07717 748 203

Online, London Bridge & Surrey