How to Calm Anxiety – Find calmness in your anxious mind

anxious mind

How to Calm Anxiety – Find calmness in your anxious mind

It’s normal to feel stressed and anxious. Anxiety is a natural part of life, but sometimes it can become too much. If you are feeling this way, take a few minutes to focus on your breathing and get back into the present moment to calm anxiety.

Calm anxiety by closing your eyes, steady your breathing and focus on the rise and fall of your chest.

  • Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. If you can’t do that, try just making sure that you breathe deep enough that it moves your lower belly – if this feels too difficult at first, work up to it gradually by focusing on inhaling for a count of 4 seconds then exhaling for a count of 6 seconds (or the reverse).
    It’s also helpful to keep an even rhythm: inhale for 2 seconds; hold for 2 seconds (keeping air in); exhale slowly over 3 more seconds.
    Repeat this cycle several times until you feel calm again.
  • Relax any tense muscles by taking slow, deep breaths and releasing tension as each breath comes out.
  • Try not to focus on anything specific during this time; instead, just let thoughts come into mind without judging them as good/bad or useful/useless – simply acknowledge them without giving them too much attention or energy.
  • Remain still if necessary because moving around during meditation sessions will startle the body awake rather than allowing it to relax into deeper levels of consciousness Calm Anxiety

If you’re having a hard time focusing on your breathing, try counting from one to ten, very slowly.

  • Focus on the rise and fall of your chest
  • When you get to 10, start over at one again
  • Count backward from 10 to 1
  • Count from 1-100 (this may take some time but keep going) 5. Then count from 100-1 6. Finally, count from 1000-1

Calm Anxiety

Imagine yourself in a peaceful environment, such as walking barefoot on grass.

  • Take slow, deep breaths and focus on how your breath moves through your body.
  • Imagine that each part of your body is filled with warm light and the color of love.

Calm Anxiety

Mentally scan your body, starting at the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. You will be surprised at how many muscles are tense.

  • Focus on the sensations in your body. Where do you feel tension? Is it in a specific part of the body? Do you have stiffness or tightness anywhere? How does it feel to release these knots of tension physically, mentally and emotionally?
  • Focus on the breath: pay attention as you breathe in and out; notice if there are any gaps between breaths; breathe from deep within yourself, not from shallow breathing by taking quick gasps for air through pursed lips. Take slow deep breaths with a long exhale letting out all air that needs to be released. This is calming because it slows down both heart rate and respiration which helps us relax more quickly than just focusing on counting our breaths without doing anything else (e.g., counting slowly while walking around).
  • Listen attentively: notice what sounds there are around you. Listen carefully so that nothing gets drowned out by other noises as they come into range (e.g., birds tweeting outside). Look up occasionally if appropriate/safe so as not too get lost in sound alone but rather experience being among nature’s beauty instead just listening passively without interacting physically with what we’re hearing/looking at directly.
    * Feel connected: put one hand over another gently feeling warmth flow between them. Slowly releasing pressure between them again noticing how
    this feels different each time depending upon how much contact is made between hands.
    * Be present: close eyes now focusing inwardly feeling calmness wash over mind body soul like warm bath water washing away stressors which can
    cause anxiety!

Calm Anxiety

Deep breathing exercises are one way to slow down a racing mind and bring you back to the present moment.

Deep breathing involves breathing in through your nose, holding for a few seconds, and then exhaling out through your mouth. This cycle can be repeated several times over the course of 10-20 minutes. It’s helpful to do this when you’re feeling anxious or stressed out because it helps slow down a racing mind and bring you back to the present moment. You can do this anywhere at any time, so don’t let yourself get discouraged if it doesn’t come naturally right away!

If you are feeling anxious, you may start to feel panicky with all that energy inside you. Go for a walk or take part in some kind of exercise.

Active relaxation such as walking is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Exercise can help lower levels of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. It can also relief tension and helps improve sleep quality, which can both improve moods and lessen feelings of depression, anxiety and panic attacks.

Exercise helps relieve pain by increasing circulation, improving flexibility and building muscle strength that supports healthy posture without straining joints or muscles over time – all exercises that are often recommended for people with chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Regular aerobic activity has been shown to help manage weight gain because it increases metabolism while also reducing appetite due to elevated levels of serotonin—the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of happiness!

Being in a crowded space with lots of stimuli can make anxiety worse, so get away from it if possible.

When you feel anxiety coming on, find a quiet place.

  • Go to a private room and close the door.
  • If there are too many people in your house, go outside for some fresh air (a park bench or local beach is ideal).
  • Find a quiet spot in nature if possible: somewhere without much traffic or other noise.

Worrying can often help you solve problems, but sometimes it’s best to distract yourself until those feelings fade away.

Distraction is a good way of calming your mind and taking a break from your worries. It’s important to find an outlet for any anxiety that you’re feeling because it will help you feel better in the long run. You can distract yourself by doing things that make you happy or doing something totally unrelated to your anxiety. If the anxiety is really bad, try doing something else entirely—maybe go outside or read a book; whatever works for you!

When experiencing high levels of anxiety, it’s important to find ways to calm yourself down.

Sometimes this can be as simple as taking a moment to breathe. Other times, it may mean taking a walk outside or finding another way to engage your mind in something else.

It is important that you find ways that work for you and are comfortable with doing them regularly when experiencing high levels of anxiety. This will help reduce the intensity of your symptoms and decrease the amount of time they last until they go away completely (if they ever do).

If you don’t want to do the things listed above because they make you feel worse instead, there are other options available such as seeing a professional therapist that can help you delve into the root cause of your anxiety, help you manage it better, and provide you with healthy coping techniques to implement. Ultimately help you to eliminate or reduce your anxiety in the long run.


As you can see, there are many ways to calm anxiety. If you think about it, there is no better time than now to begin practicing these techniques in order to combat stress and anxiety. If you need professional help, visit my page to find out more or book a free consultation.